Sunday, August 5, 2018

Unable to open Step output file. The step failed

When you try to execute the job, The job will fail with error "Unable to open Step output file. The step failed"
In this case there is no error with the package. So we have to change the path in jobs under sql agent job.

For example if the job name is: Batch_price.

Here is the steps:

1. Double click on Batch_price in sql agent job. [i.e. job properties]
2. Go to steps.
3. Edit steps.
4.Click advanced option.
5.Change the path under output file as in image below or delete the path.
6. ok and run the job again.

Sunday, July 29, 2018


It Concatenates two or more values. Return type is string.
Advantage of this is it can concatenate same or different data types.


Declare @ProdName as Varchar(20);
Declare @Price as Money;

set @ProdName='Book';
set @Price=20.00;

We can concatenate in two different way.
First Method:

select @ProdName+' costs' as Prods

Book costs

But try to add @price it will throw error because of different data types.

select @ProdName+' costs' +@Price as outputs

Msg 235, Level 16, State 0, Line 6
Cannot convert a char value to money. The char value has incorrect syntax.

Second Method:

Declare @ProdName as Varchar(20);
Declare @Price as Money;
set @ProdName='Book';
set @Price=20.00;

select CONCAT(@ProdName,' Costs ',@price) as Prods;

Book Costs 20.00

Here is few more examples:

Returns a string that is the result of two or more strings joined together. CONCAT accepts two or more arguments.

SELECT CONCAT('This', ' is', ' my', ' string') -- returns 'This is my string'

Note: Unlike concatenating strings using the string concatenation operator (+), when passing a null value to the concat function it will implicitly convert it to an empty string:

SELECT CONCAT('This', NULL, ' is', ' my', ' string'), -- returns 'This is my string'
'This' + NULL + ' is' + ' my' + ' string' -- returns NULL.

Also arguments of a non-string type will be implicitly converted to a string:

SELECT CONCAT('This', ' is my ', 3, 'rd string') -- returns 'This is my 3rd string'

Non-string type variables will also be converted to string format, no need to manually covert or cast it to string:

SELECT CONCAT('Ram is ', @Age,' years old'); -- returns 'Ram is 23 years old'