Showing posts with label SSRS Errors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSRS Errors. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2024

Parameter Sniffing Issues in SSRS

 Parameter sniffing in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) refers to a situation where SQL Server generates an execution plan for a stored procedure or query based on the parameters passed during the first execution and then reuses that plan for subsequent executions. This can lead to performance issues if the initial parameters are not representative of typical workloads. Here are some strategies to mitigate parameter sniffing issues in SSRS:

  1. Optimize Stored Procedures and Queries:

    • Use local variables to prevent parameter sniffing by copying input parameters to local variables and using those variables in your queries.

      CREATE PROCEDURE GetReportData (@Parameter1 INT, @Parameter2 NVARCHAR(50))
          DECLARE @LocalParameter1 INT = @Parameter1;
          DECLARE @LocalParameter2 NVARCHAR(50) = @Parameter2;
          -- Use local parameters in your queries
          SELECT *
          FROM YourTable
          WHERE Column1 = @LocalParameter1 AND Column2 = @LocalParameter2;

    • Use the OPTION (RECOMPILE) hint to force SQL Server to recompile the query every time it runs, generating a new execution plan each time.

      SELECT *
      FROM YourTable
      WHERE Column1 = @Parameter1 AND Column2 = @Parameter2
    • Be cautious with this approach as it can increase CPU usage due to frequent recompilations.

  3. Optimize for Unknown:

    • Use the OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN hint to force SQL Server to use average statistical data instead of the initial parameter values.

      SELECT *
      FROM YourTable
      WHERE Column1 = @Parameter1 AND Column2 = @Parameter2
  4. Plan Guides:

    • Use plan guides to apply specific query hints or execution plans for your queries without modifying the query text.
  5. Indexed Views and Computed Columns:

    • Use indexed views or computed columns to improve query performance, which can mitigate the impact of parameter sniffing.
  6. Statistics and Index Maintenance:

    • Regularly update statistics and maintain indexes to ensure SQL Server has accurate data distribution information, which can help in generating efficient execution plans.
  7. Forced Parameterization:

    • Enable forced parameterization at the database level to force SQL Server to parameterize all queries. This can reduce the impact of parameter sniffing but may not be suitable for all workloads.


  8. Query Store:

    • Use the Query Store feature in SQL Server to monitor query performance and identify parameter sniffing issues. You can force specific execution plans for problematic queries.

      -- Enable Query Store
      ALTER DATABASE YourDatabase
      -- Force a specific execution plan
      EXEC sp_query_store_force_plan @query_id = 1, @plan_id = 1;
  9. Report-Specific Solutions:

    • In SSRS, consider using different stored procedures or queries for different report parameter combinations if you know certain parameter sets cause performance issues.
    • Use report parameters to control the logic in your queries or stored procedures to better handle different parameter values.
  10. Caching and Snapshots:

    • Use report caching and snapshots in SSRS to reduce the frequency of query executions, which can help mitigate the impact of parameter sniffing.

By employing these strategies, you can mitigate parameter sniffing issues and improve the performance and reliability of your SSRS reports. The choice of strategy depends on the specific context and requirements of your reporting environment.

Monday, February 10, 2020

The value of the Color property for the textrun which is not a valid Color in SSRS

While setting up background color of a tablix cell or font, below error is generated.

The value of the Color property for the textrun ‘Textbox1.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ is “#00ffffff” which is not a valid Color.

Textbox does not support (partial) transparency color.

Need to select valid RGB color values. (instead of selecting " No Color")

Could not update list of Fields for the query in SSRS

While Connecting to the stored procedure from the SSRS reports getting below error.

"Could not create a list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the data source and that your query syntax is correct."

An item with the same key has already been added.

I have added here sample stored procedure created.

create procedure products
    with #ProductCat as(
        select DPC.EnglishProductCategoryName,DPC.FrenchProductCategoryName,dpsc.EnglishProductSubcategoryName,DPSC.FrenchProductSubcategoryName
        from DimProductCategory DPC
        join DimProductSubcategory DPSC on DPC.ProductCategoryKey=DPSC.ProductCategoryKey
select PC.EnglishProductCategoryName as Product_Category,PC.FrenchProductCategoryName as Product_Category
,PC.EnglishProductSubcategoryName as Product_SubCategory
from #ProductCat PC

Two column names are having in the output with same name.
unfortunately SSMS will not throw any error for this.
Make proper naming while naming the dataset column names.