Showing posts with label SQL Errors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL Errors. Show all posts

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Connecting to the Integration Services on the computer failed with following error : Access Denied

Installed SQL Server Integration Services. While tried to login Integration Services getting Access Denied Error. 

It will work fine when tried to login with Management Studio as "Run as a Administrator".

Here are the steps to access:

1. Run ->  dcomcnfg.exe
2. Navigate to Component Services ->Computers -> My Computer -> DCom Config
3. Search Application Name "Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services 11.0"
4. Open Properties:

5. Open Each edit option and add current user.

6. Save your changes.
7. Restart Your Service if required.

Watch the video for the details:

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Unable to open Step output file. The step failed

When you try to execute the job, The job will fail with error "Unable to open Step output file. The step failed"
In this case there is no error with the package. So we have to change the path in jobs under sql agent job.

For example if the job name is: Batch_price.

Here is the steps:

1. Double click on Batch_price in sql agent job. [i.e. job properties]
2. Go to steps.
3. Edit steps.
4.Click advanced option.
5.Change the path under output file as in image below or delete the path.
6. ok and run the job again.