Showing posts with label Interview Question and Answers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview Question and Answers. Show all posts

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Show Size of All Tables in Current Database in SQL Server

 You can find the size of all tables in the current database by using below sql script.

SQL Code:

USE AdventureWorks2017

SELECT + '.' + t.NAME AS TableName,
SUM(a.used_pages)*8 AS 'TableSizeKB' --a page in SQL Server is 8kb
FROM sys.tables t
JOIN sys.schemas s on t.schema_id = s.schema_id
LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id
LEFT JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id
ORDER BY + '.' + t.NAME


Related Article:

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Difference between IDENTITY, SCOPE_IDENTITY and IDENT_CURRENT in sql server with example

Scope_Identity() returns value generated for the same session and same scope. This is the most common way to find.

@@IDENTITY returns value generated for the same session and  across any scope

IDENT_CURRENT returns value generated for across any session and any scope.

Note: Scope is a module; a Stored Procedure, trigger, function, or batch


create table Test1(

ID int identity(1,1),

value varchar(30)


create table Test2(

ID int identity(1,1),

value varchar(30)


insert into Test1

values ('RK'),('MK')


select @@IDENTITY

Now create a trigger in Test1 table

create trigger insertonTest1 on Test1 for Insert



insert into Test2 values ('GK')


Now insert new record to Test1 table

insert into Test1

values ('SHG')

Now the below scripts on the same session


select @@IDENTITY

select IDENT_CURRENT('Test1')

select IDENT_CURRENT('Test2')

Now you can see @@IDENTITY returned the value from different scope. Also IDENT_CURRENT returns as per table name.

Now run the below query on different window means different session.


select @@IDENTITY

select IDENT_CURRENT('Test1')

select IDENT_CURRENT('Test2')

Since SCOPE_IDENTITY and @@IDENTITY run on different session returned NULL But as the same time IDENT_CURRENT returns the value irrespective of session and scope

You can find other details of Identity columns Below

How to find last generated identity column value in SQL Server

Please go through the below before proceeding:

Identity Column in SQL Server

For retrieving identity column values first create a table. 

Create a table using Identity Key:

CREATE TABLE tblPerson (

    [Person_id] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,

    [Name] varchar(50),

    [Gender] CHAR(1)


INSERT INTO tblPerson([Name], [Gender])


('John Doe','M'),

('Kimi Sharma','F')

We can get last generated Identity values in two ways

Using function SCOPE_IDENTITY() and global variable @@IDENTITY


select @@IDENTITY

select IDENT_CURRENT('tblPerson')

Output: 2

Scope_Identity() returns value generated for the same session and same scope. This is the most common way to find.

@@IDENTITY returns value generated for the same session and  across any scope

IDENT_CURRENT returns value generated for across any session and any scope.

You can find the difference Here:

Difference between IDENTITY, SCOPE_IDENTITY and IDENT_CURRENT in sql server with example

Identity Column in SQL Server

What is Identity Column?

An identity column is a column (also known as a field) in a database table that is made up of values generated by the database. This is much like an Auto Number field in SQL Server.

An identity column differs from a primary key in that its values are managed by the server and usually cannot be modified. In many cases an identity column is used as a primary key; however, this is not always the case.

If you mark a column as identity column need not require to supply value for that column.

Create a table using Identity Key:

CREATE TABLE tblPerson (
    [Person_id] INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
    [Name] varchar(50),
    [Gender] CHAR(1)
INSERT INTO tblPerson([Name], [Gender])
('John Doe','M'),
('Kimi Sharma','F')

Now you can see Person_id value is generated automatically.

Supply explicit values using Identity_Insert

Now delete one record from above 

delete from tblPerson where Person_id=1

(1 row affected)

Now lets try to insert new record.

INSERT INTO tblPerson([Name], [Gender])

values ('Rohit Kumar','M')

You can see new value assigned instead of assigning 1.

Now lets try to assign Person_id value manually

INSERT INTO tblPerson([Person_id],[Name], [Gender])
values (1,'Alexa Nod','F')

Throws error -

Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'tblPerson' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

Now set Identity_insert


Now try to insert same record:  

INSERT INTO tblPerson([Person_id],[Name], [Gender])
values (1,'Alexa Nod','F')

Reset the Identity Column

If you have deleted all the rows in a table and you want to reset the identity column then use below command

delete from tblPerson


INSERT INTO tblPerson([Name], [Gender])
('John Doe','M'),
('Kimi Sharma','F')

You can also see:

How to find last generated identity column value in SQL Server

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Altering a column from Not NULL to NULL in SQL server

 Need to alter a table to allow NULL on a column. Not required to drop the column

Please use below script in SQL server.

ALTER TABLE tableName ALTER COLUMN columnname varchar(50) NULL

Please go through details of NOT NULL constraint

Sunday, August 9, 2020

SQL Server Isolation Level with Example

SQL Server isolation levels are used to define the degree to which one transaction must be isolated from resource or data modifications made by other concurrent transactions. The different Isolation Levels are:

1. ReadUncommitted

2. ReadCommitted

3. RepeatableRead

4. Serializable

5. Snapshot

Read Committed is the default isolation level. However, it can be changed from Query Window as well as Management Studio Tools.

Execute below scripts to create table and insert some records to use in examples for each isolation.

 IF OBJECT_ID('Product') is not null


    DROP TABLE Product


create table Product

(ProdID int,

ProdName Varchar(50),

ProdPrice int


insert into Product(ProdID,ProdName,ProdPrice)


( 1,'Black Shirt',1000),

( 2,'White Suits',2000),

( 3,'Red Kurta',700),

( 4,'Half Shirt',1700)

Click on Below links to see the Different types of isolation levels with example